Friday 13th is your lucky night...
...because I've got a gig at The Bull's Head, Barnes kicking off at 8.30pm at the bargain price of £7. To you, £7. Can't argue with that. Fantastic band. Malcolm Edmonstone - Jacqui Dankworth's pianist of choice and currently Musical Director on Strictly Come Dancing. Duncan Hopkins - fresh over from Canada having been, amongst other things, Diana Krall's bass player. A bit of a step up for Duncan then... Darren Altman - drummer to be reckoned with. There's food if you want it, it's a fantastic venue and I'll be singing. Now what more could you want to dispel that Friday the 13th vibe? I've still got a bit of a tan. Worth £7 of anyone's money just to see that. And one of the last gigs I'll be performing in my 30s. Oh yes. Time waits for no man - or woman. Come on down. It's Friday, it's five to five and it's CRACKERJACK. Do you remember that? Just shows you I'm not lying about my age.
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