Monday, March 31, 2008

Jazz and Cake at Croyde Village Hall Sat April 5th

I think if more venues went down the jazz with cake route maybe it would reinvigorate the UK jazz scene. I have it on good authority that cake will be available to buy at the bar at this Saturday's gig at Croyde Village Hall. Now that's what I call a bar. Although I am currently in a cake free zone - I've lost 1 stone and half a pound in the last six weeks, WHEY HEY! - that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good deal for the punter when I see one. Not only that, there will be nibbles on the tables to help the all round good vibe of the evening. Excellent.

And what is this all in aid of? Well, having made excellent plans and raised lots of money to extend and improve Croyde Village Hall, it became necessary to divert around a sewer. I'm not sure coming across a sewer is a particularly pleasant experience at any time, but this means an additional £25k or so needs to be found. What a stinker... geddit?! Anyway, what better than a jazz get together to raise a bit of cash. Not only that, but jazz with cake as previously mentioned.

Come on down to Croyde Village Hall this Saturday, April 5th. We're kicking off at 8pm so doors will be open a bit before that so you can bagsy your spot. N.B. If you haven't come across the art of bagsying, please feel free to ask me about it. A necessary skill for the modern person. You can get in early to reserve a table by calling Chris Burrows on 01271 890804 but I'm quite sure there will be plenty of seats to go round if you turn up on the door. Minimum donation is £4 for adults and £1 for children, although feel free to chuck in a bit extra if you're feeling generous.

So, see you all at the jazz cake fest on Saturday. I even promised to throw (not literally of course) a cake in for the musicians this week. That's what I call progress.



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