Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Totally brilliant day!

What a day. I've been on tenterhooks all morning listening to Radio 5Live and the build up to the announcement of who would host the 2012 Olympics. I was listening live when they finally said it was London and leaped up and cheered in the middle of - you guessed it - Starbucks. Still, they're very used to me there so they didn't bat an eyelid. And I thought I was dreaming this morning when I woke up to hear that Stevie Gerrard had decided to stay at Liverpool. Brilliant. What a day. And I got a free cool bag at M&S with my shopping - the icing on a lemon muffin.

I went to see Oscar Peterson last Friday at The Royal Albert Hall. What an emotional experience, largely because I thought he was dead - I'm sorry but I did. It was really quite moving when he walked on to the stage. What a reception. It was absolutely packed. Unfortunately I can't see too well so didn't get a great close up - I think we were about 2km from the stage so I don't think I was alone in that. But it was a lovely evening and I particularly enjoyed Milestones. Thanks for the ticket Ken.

And I can't go without mentioning the fabulous Liane Carroll. Not just Best Vocalist at the BBC Jazz Awards, but the Best of Jazz award just to underline it. About time too. You're brilliant missus. Only best knickers from now on.

Time for a quick shot of pink grapefruit squash - one of my very favourite drinks in the world. Not necessarily the most sophisticated but...



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