Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Spontaneity is good...

...although you might say I predicted it. A few more days, weeks, months... well, an extra week seemed like a good compromise so I'm back off to France on Saturday.

I've been toying with the idea for a couple of days, largely working on my complex cost per use/offset payment/benefit received approach. Put simply, that means I can pretty much justify anything. I was going to buy a painting and that would have cost nearly as much as going back to France. Then I was thinking of going to my favourite Devon beauty spot for a week and that would have cost almost twice as much as going back to France. You can see my point, I couldn't say no. And one more thing, I get to wear my summer clothes a few more times, thereby reducing their cost per use. Brilliant. And I might even prolong my dark whiteness for when I start college so I look vaguely healthy and glowing. And I can swim every day. And I can see my music buddies. And I get to take Lizzie and Ali for lunch which I meant to do before I left and didn't. Ok, I'll stop now, but that sounds like a lot of good reasons to me.

In all seriousness, I've not felt this well for a long time and I think the Roujan experience has certainly played its part. Again, if you want to sample the delights of this sublime location, check out www.roujan.com

This does of course mean the gig sorting out gets put off for another week, but I'll be at it gangbusters when I get back. Can't wait to get out there. Got a great new song, Baltimore Oriole. Love it. Singing is just excellent.

By the way, you can comment on these vague ramblings of mine. As long as you're not too rude, in which case I might just have to use my powers of veto. Go on, be spontaneous...



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