Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Spontaneity is good...

...although you might say I predicted it. A few more days, weeks, months... well, an extra week seemed like a good compromise so I'm back off to France on Saturday.

I've been toying with the idea for a couple of days, largely working on my complex cost per use/offset payment/benefit received approach. Put simply, that means I can pretty much justify anything. I was going to buy a painting and that would have cost nearly as much as going back to France. Then I was thinking of going to my favourite Devon beauty spot for a week and that would have cost almost twice as much as going back to France. You can see my point, I couldn't say no. And one more thing, I get to wear my summer clothes a few more times, thereby reducing their cost per use. Brilliant. And I might even prolong my dark whiteness for when I start college so I look vaguely healthy and glowing. And I can swim every day. And I can see my music buddies. And I get to take Lizzie and Ali for lunch which I meant to do before I left and didn't. Ok, I'll stop now, but that sounds like a lot of good reasons to me.

In all seriousness, I've not felt this well for a long time and I think the Roujan experience has certainly played its part. Again, if you want to sample the delights of this sublime location, check out www.roujan.com

This does of course mean the gig sorting out gets put off for another week, but I'll be at it gangbusters when I get back. Can't wait to get out there. Got a great new song, Baltimore Oriole. Love it. Singing is just excellent.

By the way, you can comment on these vague ramblings of mine. As long as you're not too rude, in which case I might just have to use my powers of veto. Go on, be spontaneous...


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sensory heaven...

France, massage, eating ripe almonds from the tree, tasting grapes fresh from the vine, sun, old friends, new friends, a pool in the garden and did I mention the massage...? I'm in heaven. Just a few of those would be good, but all together. And I forgot to mention the almond croissant. No 's' because I've limited myself to one which has taken a will of steel. I'm staying at the most deliciously relaxed and wonderful place: a converted convent. I feel very lucky to be here and to share Ali and Lizzie's lovely, special home - again. If you want a sneaky peak, the website is www.roujan.com

This afternoon, during the break from music, I had a massage from a tall, dark Brazilian man with flowing locks and warm hands. Oo er missus. I now feel like I'm floating around the room. Perhaps I will have a whole new range when I sing again this evening. Either that or get locked up for indecent thoughts.

I've even developed something of a tan. OK, sort of extra dark white then but I do look very healthy. Fortunately my trip back to the UK is on the train so I will have time to acclimatise.

I think the prawn will have to come out tonight. It looks a lot better now I'm darker white and I feel Roujan is finally ready for it. And I'm pairing it with black just in case you were wondering.

Not much else to say. Back on Saturday but am rather wishing I could just stay here for a few more days... weeks... months...


Monday, August 08, 2005

Top night at The Foresters

Well, here I am in Barcelona - can't quite believe the gig was only a couple of nights ago. What a top night. Thanks so much to everyone who came along. An excellent audience! And the band were on tippy top form. Thanks to Nick Pini for stpping in at the last minute as bass player extraordinaire. And Ken played a blinder. Les - I think we might have to do this again. Thanks all.

Since then I arrived in Barcelona, drove up the coast for an evening swim, had a fantastic meal by the sea, drove back, went up to Tibidabo (a church on top of a big hill) for a midnight view of the City and all having left the house at 6pm. Not bad fo an evening's entertainment.

I love being on holiday.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Did I mention the gig...?

...me and a fab band, Saturday 6th August, All Inn One - The Foresters Bar, 53 Perry Vale, Forest Hill, 8pm, free... erm, oh yes, I did. Oops.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Gutted of Clapham...

...not sure whether I've mentioned my rather major admiration for Mark Murphy. He's a bit of a jazz hero of mine (totally top singer - bit of a legend) and I've been lucky enough to see him live 3 times now and studied with him at the Fionna Duncan Vocal Jazz Workshop a couple of years ago. Anyway, he's only coming to London at the exact time I'm going to be on holiday and on the Jazz Summer School in the South of France. Gutted. Still, that's no reason for everyone else to miss out. Catch him if you can. He's on at Pizza on the Park from Sunday 7th for the whole week, then he's at the 606 on Monday 15th - all with the fab Pete Churchill. And go on, please tell me how brilliant he was. You might even notice a strange similarity between his set lists and mine - it's no coincidence. My iPod is full to busting of Mark Murphy CDs and he does sing some rather fab tunes. And some might say that I have been known to dress in tribute to the great one. I can't deny it. Our taste in blouses seems very similar...

Oh, and did I mention the gig? Saturday 6th August at The Foresters Bar, 53 Perry Vale, Forest Hill, 8pm, free... Yes, I think I did mention it. Then I'm off for a couple of weeks but I might just find the time to tap in a couple of tomes from sunnier climes.

